Our Manifesto
We are Pulsleline.
To us – big mountain skiing is more than a past-time, or a “leisure activity”, it is our moving meditation – a way to fly away from the mundane and reach towards simplicity – a way to find freedom – with our bodies and our imaginations on a massive canvas.
We believe that the creations of the modern world and its necessary machinations (jobs, properties, money) don’t in and of themselves create happiness; that for us, something is deeply missing from the typical modern life with a commute, a 9am to 6pm desk job, financial commitments, and never-ending house chores.
We strive for adventure. For the unknown. For the wilderness that is our natural home and birthright. While we have to find a way to live in this modern world, which we often do successfully – we seek to find more, and to find a community with others on a similar journey and with similar values.
While we are athletes and we prepare hard for these adventures with respect, we also understand that there is no competition – just flow and style and joy–– where speed becomes stillness – where challenge become joy - where wilderness becomes community – and the profane can become the sacred.
We reach for the mountains because they are calling us; because they are our life-long teachers; because our spirits live there; because in these wild places we find challenge and meaning, and through this yearning, learn something about ourselves, about the world we live in and about the very essence of being human.
So when we are on our death bed, hopefully many, many years from now – we look back on our lives with a sense of wonder and joy; knowing we showed up in full, and sought that which not many have, sought out our challenges and met them, found joy and created beauty through our lines on the white, blank canvas of these peaks, lived amongst the birds and the sheep and the bears for at least a while, dancing and celebrating it all with kindred spirits, and found something beyond words on these journeys that we brought back to our homes and our loved ones– enriching all of us; and maybe, just maybe helping to change the world.
We are adventurers, artists, creators, poets, seekers, and athletes.
We are Pulsleline. Find your Pulse and join our Tribe.